--- swagger: "2.0" info: title: ContactHandler_Session_Digital_Domain description: BIAN defines a customer contact as the overarching structure handling a customer interaction from start to end. A contact can include one or more servicing dialogue 'sessions' in parallel or sequence to support different device/channel uses within the contact and to allow for the customer to be passed on to different servicing specialists as necessary during the contact.
PCF Deployment Reference name --> SVCG-D-ContactHandler-SESS-DGL-EA
x-ibm-name: ContactHandler_Session_Digital_Domain version: 1.2.0 host: schemes: - https basePath: /api produces: - application/json paths: /v1/customers/callbackOrDropOff: post: summary: This API is used to capture the drop off and Call back information. description: This API is used to capture the drop off and Call back information. operationId: CaptureCustomerCallBackOrDropOffDetails tags: - Servicing parameters: - name: Authorization in: header description: 'The most recent Authorization token. This will have the format Bearer + {space} + {accessToken}. Example: Bearer KGNsaWVudF9pZDpjbGllbnRfc2VjcmV0KQ==' type: string required: true - name: uuid in: header description: 128 bit random UUID generated uniquely for every request. type: string required: true - name: Accept in: header description: Content-Type that are acceptable for the response. type: string required: true - name: client_id in: header description: client id generated during consumer on-boarding type: string required: true - name: Content-Type in: header description: application/json required: true type: string - name: clientDetails in: header description: This field is used to capture device,browser and network information. Refer the developer portal for more information.These are the fields which will be passed as part of the header devicePrint,deviceTokenCookie,userIpAddress,userAgent,hardwareId,simId,deviceModel,deviceName,deviceOsName,deviceOsVersion,multitaskingSupportFlag,languageSupport,wifiMacAddress,cellTowerId,locationAreaCode,rsaApplicationKey,wapClientId,mobileCarrierCode,mobileCountryCode,osId,geoLongitude,geoLatitude,geoHorizontalAccuracy,geoAltitude,geoAltitudeAccuracy,geoSpeed,geoTimestamp,geoStatus,basicServiceSetId,signalStrength,wifiChannel,serviceSetId type: string required: false - name: CaptureCustomerCallBackOrDropOffDetailsRequest in: body description: CaptureCustomerCallBackOrDropOffDetailsRequest required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CaptureCustomerCallBackOrDropOffDetailsRequest' responses: 200: description: Successful operation. 400: description:
invalidinvalidRequestMissing or invalid parameters
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 401: description:
errorunAuthorizedAuthorization credentials are missing or invalid
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 403: description:
erroraccessNotConfiguredAccess is not configured for this resource
errormfaRequiredMFA is required
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 422: description:
errorinvalidProxyAccountIdTypeThe proxy account identifier type is not supported or invalid
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 500: description:
fatalserverUnavailableThe request failed due to an internal error
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' /v1/contactHandler/appointments: post: summary: This API is used to update appointment details for backend officer to contact customer for additional information. description: This API is used to update appointment details for backend officer to contact customer for additional information. operationId: RequestCustomerContactOperatingSessionAppointment tags: - Servicing parameters: - name: Authorization in: header description: 'The most recent Authorization token. This will have the format Bearer + {space} + {accessToken}. Example: Bearer KGNsaWVudF9pZDpjbGllbnRfc2VjcmV0KQ==.' type: string required: true - name: uuid in: header description: 128 bit random UUID generated uniquely for every request. type: string required: true - name: Accept in: header description: Content-Type that are acceptable for the response. type: string required: true - name: client_id in: header description: Client ID generated during application registration. required: true type: string - name: Content-Type in: header description: application/json required: true type: string - name: clientDetails in: header description: This field is used to capture device,browser and network information. Refer the developer portal for more information.These are the fields which will be passed as part of the header devicePrint,deviceTokenCookie,userIpAddress,userAgent,hardwareId,simId,deviceModel,deviceName,deviceOsName,deviceOsVersion,multitaskingSupportFlag,languageSupport,wifiMacAddress,cellTowerId,locationAreaCode,rsaApplicationKey,wapClientId,mobileCarrierCode,mobileCountryCode,osId,geoLongitude,geoLatitude,geoHorizontalAccuracy,geoAltitude,geoAltitudeAccuracy,geoSpeed,geoTimestamp,geoStatus,basicServiceSetId,signalStrength,wifiChannel,serviceSetId type: string required: false - name: RequestCustomerContactOperatingSessionAppointmentRequest in: body description: RequestCustomerContactOperatingSessionAppointmentRequest required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RequestCustomerContactOperatingSessionAppointmentRequest' responses: 200: description: Successful operation. 400: description:
invalidinvalidRequestMissing or invalid parameters
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 401: description:
errorunAuthorizedAuthorization credentials are missing or invalid
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 403: description:
erroraccessNotConfiguredAccess is not configured for this resource
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 404: description:
errorresourceNotFoundEmpty resource/resource not found
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 422: description:
errorbusinessValidationsFailedBusiness validations failed
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 500: description:
fatalserverUnavailableThe request failed due to an internal error
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' definitions: CaptureCustomerCallBackOrDropOffDetailsRequest: properties: fullName: description: Customer's full name. type: string example: Louis Philippe campaignId: description: Unique identifier for a specific campaign being offered to the channel type: string example: "123456789" offerId: description: OfferID for which the Call Back is requested. type: string example: AIA INSURANCE mobileNumber: description: Customer's mobile number. type: string example: "6190117092" emailAddress: description: Customer's email address type: string example: louis.philippe@ls.com callBackRequestFlag: description: indicates if this request is for callback from customer. If false, it will be considered as a drop off case. type: boolean example: "TRUE" organicProductCode: description: productCode for which the call back is requested. This will e passed for organic cases only. type: string example: "132213" waveId: description: Unique ID for Wave for fecthing wave id type: string example: 4BFTUQE5AB gender: description: gender of the customer. FEMALE or MALE. This is a reference data field. Please use /v1/utilities/referenceData/{gender} resource to get valid value of this field with description. type: string example: FEMALE salutation: description: salutation of the customer. type: string example: Miss offerProductDescription: description: offer Product Description type: string example: LOPPRELOGIN ecrmProductCode: description: Product code for the offers in COPS type: string example: AIAPRELOGIN insuranceProductCode: description: Insurance prod code used by aia to return quotation type: string example: APBD12 callBackDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/CallBackDetails' dropOffDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/DropOffDetails' CallBackDetails: properties: preferredCallBackDate: description: This is the customer's preferred call back date time in ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: "2019-12-15" preferredCallBackTime: description: This is the customer's preferred call back time in ISO 8601 time format HH:MM:SS type: string format: time example: "13:45:30" callBackPurpose: description: Purpose of callback type: string example: AIA INSURANCE callBackRemarks: description: Call back remarks if any from the customer. type: string example: '''Please call me. Interested in the policy' DropOffDetails: properties: pageName: description: Page name where the customer dropped off at type: string example: Financial Details sectionNumber: description: Description of the coverage type type: string example: "2" RequestCustomerContactOperatingSessionAppointmentRequest: properties: alertReferenceId: description: This field is the reference ID corresponding to the appointment request. type: string example: 23542jew45 messageCode: description: This field is the message code corresponding to the appointment request. type: string example: Alert1 appointmentDate: description: The date is the appointment date in ISO8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD type: string format: date example: "2020-10-28" appointmentTimeSlot: description: This field is appointment time slot requested by customer type: string example: 10 AM - 1 PM controlFlowId: type: string example: 23jh4k23h4kj required: - alertReferenceId - messageCode - appointmentDate - appointmentTimeSlot ErrorResponse: properties: type: description: Invalid - Request did not confirm to the specification and was unprocessed and rejected. Please fix the value and try again enum: - error - warn - invalid - fatal type: string code: description: Error code which qualifies the error type: string details: description: Human readable explanation specific to the occurrence of the problem type: string location: description: The name of the field that resulted in the error type: string moreInfo: description: URI to human readable documentation of the error type: object required: - type - code x-ibm-configuration: enforced: true testable: true phase: realized securityDefinitions: API Key: type: apiKey description: "" in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Id API Key(Query): type: apiKey description: "" in: query name: client_id security: - API Key(Query): [] x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://aspac.sit.api.citi.com/gcbap description: "" type: - production - development ...